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USDA National Dry Whole Milk                       09/26 10:35

Dry Whole Milk - U.S.

Released on September 26, 2024

The bottom of the dry whole milk price range inched lower, while the top of the 
range was unchanged. Despite mixed farm level milk outputs throughout the 
country, milk components remain strong. Class I processing continues to draw 
upon milk volumes, and dry whole milk production is trending from steady to 
lighter. Some processors continue to note more limited production and tighter 
spot inventories, while other contacts relay spot loads are easily found. 
Domestic demand is steady. Demand from export customers remains limited.

Prices for: U.S., All First Sales, F.O.B., N/A, Edible Dry Whole Milk
Price Range - 26% Butterfat; Dollars per Pound: 2.3 - 2.52

Information for the period September 23 - 27, 2024, issued weekly

Secondary Sourced Information:


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