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USDA Hogs & Pigs Report               09/26 14:18

US Sept. 1 Hog Inventory Up Slightly From Year Ago 

                           2023         2024     2025    2024 as   2025 as
                                                         percent   percent
                                                         of 2023   of 2024
                       (1,000 head) (1,000 head)        (percent)

All Hogs Sept. 1         76,133        76,480              100%
Kept for Breeding         6,179         6,044               98%
Kept for Marketing       69,954        70,437              101%

Under 50 lbs.            22,542        22,194               98%
50-119 lbs.              20,505        20,232               99%
120-179 lbs.             14,492        14,997              103%
180 lbs.                 12,415        13,014              105%

Jun-Aug                   3,040         2,989               98%
Sep-Nov*                  2,962         2,959              100%
Dec-Feb*                  2,952         2,928    2,933      99%      100%
Jun-Aug Pig Crop         35,295        35,030               99%

                          (number)    (number)           (percent)

Jun-Aug Pigs Per Litter   11.61         11.72              105%

OMAHA (DTN) -- United States inventory of all hogs and pigs on Sept. 1, 
2024, was 76.5 million head. This was up slightly from Sept. 1, 2023, and 
up 2% from June 1, 2024, USDA NASS reported on Thursday.

Breeding inventory, at 6.04 million head, was down 2% from last year, but 
up 1% from the previous quarter.

Market hog inventory, at 70.4 million head, was up 1% from last year, and 
up 2% from last quarter. 

The June-August 2024 pig crop, at 35.0 million head, was down 1% from 
2023. Sows farrowing during this period totaled 2.99 million head, down 2% 
from 2023. The sows farrowed during this quarter represented 50% of the 
breeding herd. The average pigs saved per litter was 11.72 for the June-
August period, compared to 11.61 last year.

United States hog producers intend to have 2.96 million sows farrow during 
the September-November 2024 quarter, down slightly from the actual 
farrowings during the same period one year earlier, and down 4% from the 
same period two years earlier. Intended farrowings for December 2024-
February 2025, at 2.93 million sows, are up slightly from the same period 
one year earlier, but down 1% from the same period two years earlier.

The total number of hogs under contract owned by operations with over 
5,000 head, but raised by contractees, accounted for 53% of the total 
United States hog inventory, up 1% from the previous year.


All inventory and pig crop estimates for September 2023 through June 2024 
were reviewed using final pig crop, official slaughter, death loss, and 
updated import and export data. The revision made to the June 2024 all 
hogs and pigs inventory was 1.0%. A revision of 0.3% was made to the March 
2024-May 2024 pig crop. A net revision of 0.2% was made to the March 2024 
all hogs and pigs inventory. The net revision made to the December 2023-
February 2024 pig crop was 1.8%.


To view the full Quarterly Hogs and Pigs report, visit

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